My group is mainly focusing on the 3 songs, the 2 hakas, and the actions. The main songs are Tena Ra Koutou and Piriponotia. Tena Ra Koutou will open us up and I think that Piriponotia will close us of at the ending of our performance. Hopefully we learn all the items before performance night.
The 2 hakas that we are doing involve the boys and girls. The girls Haka is quite hard, the Kaeas are Powai, Tyla Marie and Makarita. For the boys Haka Richard is the Kaea ( the person that leads them). So far I think that we need to listen a bit more to our Kaeas and Tutors.
Sometimes I feel sorry for Whaea Sophie because we don't listen and watch on what she's doing. Hopefully my group pulls it off on the night so that we make Whaea Sophie proud of us and happy.